Audi A4 b6 8E TDI erros e repro

Oi pessoal, hoje fiz a leitura ao a4 B6 8E TDI e um colega, ja mudou o swich das luzes de travao e levou uma bateria nova a 2 meses porque a outra berrou, hoje apaguei-lhe os erros e sou vou re-verificar daqui a uns dias novamente para ver se os erros voltam, deu os seguintes erros:

VAG-COM Version: Release 704.1
Data version: 20070422
Chassis Type: 8E - Audi A4 B6/B7
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 0F 11 15 16 17 18 36 37 45 46 55 56 57 65 67
69 75 76 77

VIN: WAUZZZ8E33A031420 Mileage: 201600km/125268miles
Address 01: Engine Labels: 038-906-019-130.LBL
Part No: 038 906 019 FP
Component: 1,9l R4 EDC G000SG 1467
Coding: 00002
Shop #: WSC 63351
WAUZZZ8E33A031420 AUZ6Z0B0096258

3 Faults Found:
16955 - Brake Switch (F): Implausible Signal
P0571 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
17569 - Manifold Temp Sensor (G72): Open or Short to Plus
P1161 - 35-00 - -
17564 - Manifold Pressure Sensor (G71): Open/Short to Ground
P1156 - 35-00 - -
Readiness: 0 0 X X X

Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 8E0-614-517.LBL
Part No: 8E0 614 517
Component: ABS/ESP front 1726
Coding: 04255
Shop #: WSC 06435

2 Faults Found:
18265 - Load Signal: Error Message from ECU
P1857 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
00526 - Brake Light Switch-F
27-10 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent

Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 8E0-959-433-MAX.LBL
Part No: 8E0 959 433 AJ
Component: Komfortgerát T9F 0619
Coding: 06730
Shop #: WSC 63351

Part No: 8E1959801B
Component: Tõrsteuer.FS BRM 0002

Part No: 8E1959802B
Component: Tõrsteuer.BF BRM 0002

7 Faults Found:
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01368 - Alarm triggered by Luggage Compartment Switch
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch; Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01366 - Opened Due to Crash Signal
36-10 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
01331 - Door Control Module; Driver Side (J386)
53-10 - Supply Voltage Too Low - Intermittent
01705 - Selection Switch for Mirror-Adjust (E48)
27-10 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent
01332 - Door Control Module; Passenger Side (J387)
80-10 - Single-Wire Operation - Intermittent

Venham la umas opinioes mais experientes para poder ajudar melhor o rapaz.
Ele falou em querer por o carro com 170cv e perguntou-me qual a melhor e mais barata de o fazer.
fica entao aqui a pergunta aos mais experientes

Qual a melhor maneira e mais barata de dar umas vitaminas ao motor do carro do rapazito??

Obrigado malta
Alguns deles 8)

16955/P0571/001393 - Brake Light Switch (F): Implausible Signal
Possible Symptoms

* Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) active
* Brake Light(s) not working

Possible Causes

* Wiring and/or Connectors faulty
* Fuse(s) faulty
* Wrong Brake Light Bulb installed (21W instead of 5/21W)
* Brake Light Bulb(s) faulty
* Brake Light Switch (F) faulty

Possible Solutions

* Check Wiring or Connectors
* Check/Replace Fuse(s)
* Check/Replace Brake Light Bulb(s)
* Check/Replace Brake Switch (F)

Special Notes

* Brake Light Switches (F) have the reputation of breaking quite often.

17569/P1161 - Manifold Temp Sensor (G72): Open or Short to +
Possible Symptoms

* Probably no symptoms

Possible Causes

* Failure in wiring and/or connections
* Manifold Temp Sensor (G72) is defective

Possible Solutions

* Check wiring and connections
* Replace Manifold Temp Sensor (G72)
18265/P1857/006231 - Load Signal: Error Message from ECU
Possible Symptoms

* Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) active

Possible Causes

* Fault Code(s) stored in Engine Control Unit (ECU)

Possible Solutions

* Check Engine Control Unit for Fault Code(s)
00526 - Brake Light Switch (F): Circuit Malfunction
Possible Symptoms

* MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light)
* No Brake Lights

Possible Causes

* Wiring and/or connections faulty between Brake Switch, Brake Lights and/or ABS Controle Module
* Brake Light Switch (F) damaged
* Brake Light faulty
* Fuse(s) faulty

Possible Solutions

* Check wiring and connections
* Replace Brake Light Switch (F)
* Check / Replace fuses(s)
* Check / Replace Brake Lights
* Check Brake Light Switch (F) in ABS Measuring Block

Special Notes

* FAQ 2.7. Many Automatic Transmission Control Modules will show a DTC 00526 or 17087 that indicates a faulty brake light switch. This can be ignored and will not appear if you press the brakes once before checking for Fault Codes.
Assim de repente tens:
Sensor MAP a dar erro
Sensor da Temperatura a dar erro
Snsor Pedal travao mais conhecido por Break Switch nas couves