Se tivessem comprado, há um ano, 1000 euros em acções da Nortel Networks, um dos gigantes da área de telecomunicações, hoje teria 59 Euros...
Se tivesses comprado, há um ano 1000 euros em acções da LucentTecnologies,, outro gigante da área de telecomunicações, hoje terias 79 euros...
Agora, se tivesses comprado, há um ano 1000 euros da Sagres (em cerveja, não em acções), tivesses bebido tudo e vendido as garrafas vazias, hoje terias 80 euros...
No cenário económico actual, perdes menos dinheiro se ficares sentado a beber Sagres o dia inteiro...
Quote of the day:
"This is worse than a divorce, I've lost half my net worth and I'm still married"
" Isto é pior que o divorcio, perdi metade do que tinha e ainda sou casado!"
Investment analyst and entrepreneur Dr. Marc Faber concluded his monthly bulletin (June 2008) with the following:
'The federal government is sending each of us a $600 rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China. If we spend it on gasoline it goes to the Arabs. If we buy a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.. If we purchase a good car it will go to Germany. If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in US. I've been doing my part.'
:twisted: :twisted: LOL
Se tivesses comprado, há um ano 1000 euros em acções da LucentTecnologies,, outro gigante da área de telecomunicações, hoje terias 79 euros...
Agora, se tivesses comprado, há um ano 1000 euros da Sagres (em cerveja, não em acções), tivesses bebido tudo e vendido as garrafas vazias, hoje terias 80 euros...
No cenário económico actual, perdes menos dinheiro se ficares sentado a beber Sagres o dia inteiro...
Quote of the day:
"This is worse than a divorce, I've lost half my net worth and I'm still married"
" Isto é pior que o divorcio, perdi metade do que tinha e ainda sou casado!"
Investment analyst and entrepreneur Dr. Marc Faber concluded his monthly bulletin (June 2008) with the following:
'The federal government is sending each of us a $600 rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China. If we spend it on gasoline it goes to the Arabs. If we buy a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.. If we purchase a good car it will go to Germany. If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in US. I've been doing my part.'
:twisted: :twisted: LOL