Learn chinese in 5 minutes

Learn chinese in 5 minutes

1 - That's not right ------------------------------------------ SUM TING WONG

2 - Are you harboring a fugitive? ----------------------- HU YU HAI DING

3 - See me ASAP ------------------------------------------- KUM HIA NAO

4 - Stupid man ----------------------------------------------- DUM FUK

5 - Small horse --------------------------------------------- TAI NI PO NI

6 - Did you go to the beach? ---------------------------- WAI YU SO TAN
7- I bumped into a coffee table -------------------------- AI BANG MAI FA KIN NI

8 - I think you need a face lift ---------------------------- CHIN TU FAT

9 - It's very dark here ---------------------------------------- WAO SO DIM

10 - I thought you were on a diet ------------------------- WAI YU MUN CHING

11 - This is a tow away zone ------------------------------- NO PAH KING

12 - Our meeting is scheduled for next week -------- WAI YU KUM NAO

13 - Staying out of sight ------------------------------------- LEI YING LO

14 - He's cleaning his automobile ----------------------- WA SHING KA

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