No dynamic melhorou sim!
O que eh cada canal, voce sabe?
Eu sabendo qual eh qual fica mais fácil de ajustar!
Ainda bem que melhorou.
No parte do canal enganei-me, eles tem que estar todos com o mesmo valor, ajusta-se sim individualmente mas é noutro sitio.
Vou deixar o texto que explica isso:
[09 - Cent Elect.]
Byte 7 ; Bit 5 change 0 to 1
Byte 8 Bit 0 Change 0 to 1 - Enable Engine/Gearbox (Improved throttle response and puts tranny into "S" mode when "D" is selected)
Byte 8 Bit 1 Change 0 to 1 - Enable Dynamic Steering (Definitely stiffens steering on my car - a lot)
Byte 8 Bit 2 Change 0 to 1 - Enable Engine (Improved throttle response - Not completely sure if I can feel a significant change)
Byte 8 Bit 3 Change 0 to 1 - Enable Suspension (useless for cars w/o ads suspension)
Byte 8 Bit 4 Change 0 to 1 - Enable Steering (not quite sure, doesn't really affect steering on my car)
Byte 8 Bit 5 Change 0 to 1 - Enable Sports Differential (useless without sports diff installed)
Byte 17 ; Bit 7 change 0 to 1 (enable MMI display)
Byte 19 ; Bit 6 change 0 to 1 (enables correct lighting of ADS switch - only if ADS switch installed.
[Security Access - 16] [Adaptation - 10] ; Channel 63 ; Change to [see below]
[Security Access - 16] [Adaptation - 10] ; Channel 64 ; Change to [see below]
[Security Access - 16] [Adaptation - 10] ; Channel 65 ; Change to [see below]
[Security Access - 16] [Adaptation - 10] ; Channel 66 ; Change to [see below]
(all four channels must have the same value!!)
1 = Comfort
2 = Auto (Factory default)
3 = Dynamic - (Use this mode if you do not have MMI)
4 = Individual (Activates MMI "Individual" menu - Use this mode if you have MMI)