Erro 01207 na Cent. Elect. Ajuda Por Favor!!!!!!!

Deixo aqui o "Resumo"
O carro é um A3 8P "SportBack" de 2005

Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 8P0-907-279.LBL
Part No SW: 8P0 907 279 F HW: 8P0 907 279 F
Component: Bordnetz-SG H36 1201
Coding: E1885F019314100000000000320000000008FE175C0100
Shop #: WSC 06314

Part No: 8P1 955 119 B
Component: Wischer AU350 H01 0130
Coding: 00062736
Shop #: WSC 06314

Part No: 4E0 910 557
Coding: 00150573
Shop #: WSC 06314

1 Fault Found:
01207 - Control Module for Auxiliary Heater (J364)
004 - No Signal/Communication
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01100100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 254
Reset counter: 118
Mileage: 87915 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2009.12.09
Time: 20:02:00

Freeze Frame:
Voltage: 11.95 V

Tentei apaga-lo várias vezes, mas não valeo de nada...
Será grave, ou pode lá ficar?

Ajudem Por Favor.

Vitor Faria disse:

Obrigado colega, mas não resolve o problema, pois no não "aparece" o 01207, e o é o meu Projecto, onde já algum tempo tinha postado isto... mas como não tive respostas resolvi postar aqui.

Tenho algum receio do erro, por referir "module".

Eu ainda nao estive bem a explorar a coisa, mas hoje na caminha e com calma vou procurar a fundo esta questao, acho estupido haver tao pouca informacao, aquilo que percebi e que tem aver com o sistema de aquecimento auxiliar, se calhar algum climatizador electrico do carro. ;)
Espero que percebas ingles:

New Information

I ran tests today on the heater. I monitored voltages being sent to the various lines and attempted to operate the heater via pin 1.

I was not able to operate the heater at all! This was inconsistent with what I had been told to date. I was not able to carry out one test that may have made the difference. I wanted to run the circulation pump from the heater. There is a connection on the heater to do this. This is how it is done normally by Webasto. If the heater does not know the pump is running it will not turn on. Currently the circ. pump is run from the vehicle.

I was able to get one side of the cover off that would allow me access to the pins for the circ pump but not the other side. To do this would mean removing the fender which is something I am currently un-willing to do. If anyone has experience with this on the Touareg I would appreciate the info. It looks easy enough I am concerned that the fit would not be correct when I was finished.

I got in touch with my contact at Webasto to discuss my findings. It turns out the Webasto in Germany does allow special configurations of the elecronics that operate the heater. All info do date was contrary to this. I will possibly know more after talking with him tomorrow.

The voltages that I monitored with a Multimeter were in the 4.5V range. If this is what a multimeter would see on the can-bus lines then I think the can bus may be operating the heater. I say this becase it was my understanding that 1a constant 12V wsignal was necessary to operat the heater.

After doing the tests I scanned for faults and came up with an interesting one.

Address 08: Auto HVAC
Part No: 7L6 907 044 H
Component: CLIMAtronic 2+2 X 3717
Coding: 0020030
Shop #: WSC 20112

Part No: 7L6 907 049 C
Component: CLIMAtronic FOND X 0306

1 Fault Found:
01207 - Control Module for Auxiliary Heater (J364)
004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

I have never seen J364 anywhere in the wiring diagrams!

I cleared the faults ran the heater(VAG), scanned again and no faults were found.

I have not been able to solve the coding problem or gain access to a wiring diagram for a vehicle that has the option installed. Coding may not have mattered using Webasto controls.

These problems I mention above may have no affect on MT's solution of using the factory timer. The coding on his "07" is already correct. I hope that he is able to pop the timer in and operate the heater.

For the moment I am going to put this mod on hold until I get some more information that gives me more hope or understanding of the problem.

It may be possible to use the factory timer and or remote on an 04, but I will wait to see how things go for MT with his timer first.

I want to than all of the people that have provided me information. It is very frustating for me not to have a solution.

Parece não haver "Soluçao"

Contudo irei á audi ver o que me dizer e fazer uma actualização,vejo que o "pessoal" faz isso, e eu nunca fiz.

E obrigado.