Someone Walked Away from This Horrific Crash That Split an Audi S8 in Two!
If you only looked at these chilling pictures, and especially the one showing the rear end of a first generation Audi S8 on the road and the front end parked –literally- on the wall of a house without reading the details, you'd be out of your mind not to think that there was at least one fatality here. However, you would be wrong to do so…
Yes, you read that correctly;
no one was killed, and the person driving (alone) the German luxury sedan came out of this accident, which occurred in Belgium, near the border with The Netherlands,
with only very minor injuries, according to local news site Nieuwsblad! Unbelievable right?
The report said that the Polish driver of the S8 hit a tree (obviously at high speed) that broke the car in two pieces, with the front smashing into the house (no one was injured inside).
This incident brings back memories of another shocking Audi accident in which an RS6 Avant was broken in two pieces with the driver suffering only a few scratches.