É evidente para mim que não vais mudar de opinião... :roll: Outra coisa não seria de esperar...
Mas factos são factos...e a verdade é só uma por muito que se queira desvalorizar a questão!
Se não se preocupam com os outros (egoistas e egocêntricos) preocupem-se com vocês!
Quem não conhece um caso de cancro do pulmão em pessoas que nunca fumaram?
Pois.. existem vários estudos que estabelecem uma relação entre o aumento de cancro no pulmão com as emissões dos veiculos a diesel. Já existe quem em "Banir" os carros diesel na California.
New study and more clinching evidence prove immediate harmful effects of diesel emissions. Even as international regulatory and scientific agencies believe that diesel exhaust is of sufficient concern to merit action, more stunning evidences have come last week from a study in England. The study ‘Respiratory Effects of Exposure to Diesel Traffic in Persons with Asthma’ (The New England Journal of Medicine, December 6, 2007) has specifically investigated the link between asthma and diesel exhaust. It says that diesel exhaust fumes on polluted streets have a measurable effect on people with asthma.
In the study, about 60 participants -- all asthma cases -- walked for 2 hours along Oxford Street in London where diesel vehicles dominate, and, on a separate occasion, through Hyde Park. Participants had significantly higher exposure to PM and NO2 on Oxford Street than in Hyde Park. Walking on Oxford Street induced reductions in lung capacity accompanied by increases in inflammation and airway acidification.
This is scary, when added to the evidence of acute cancer-causing potential of diesel pollutants. The International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC), WHO, United States Environmental Protection Agency, etc have all classified diesel emissions as carcinogenic
New study and more clinching evidence prove immediate harmful effects of diesel emissions. Even as international regulatory and scientific agencies believe that diesel exhaust is of sufficient concern to merit action, more stunning evidences have come last week from a study in England. The study ‘Respiratory Effects of Exposure to Diesel Traffic in Persons with Asthma’ (The New England Journal of Medicine, December 6, 2007) has specifically investigated the link between asthma and diesel exhaust. It says that diesel exhaust fumes on polluted streets have a measurable effect on people with asthma.
In the study, about 60 participants -- all asthma cases -- walked for 2 hours along Oxford Street in London where diesel vehicles dominate, and, on a separate occasion, through Hyde Park. Participants had significantly higher exposure to PM and NO2 on Oxford Street than in Hyde Park. Walking on Oxford Street induced reductions in lung capacity accompanied by increases in inflammation and airway acidification.
This is scary, when added to the evidence of acute cancer-causing potential of diesel pollutants. The International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC), WHO, United States Environmental Protection Agency, etc have all classified diesel emissions as carcinogenic
New Delhi, Dec 14: The increasing number of diesel cars are playing havoc with the air of the capital and other major cities, as even Euro III diesel vehicles emit 7.5 times more toxic particulate matter (PM) than petrol cars.
The enormous difference in the actual emission levels of Euro III (Bharat Stage III) diesel and petrol cars has been highlighted in an analysis carried out by Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) on the data released by the Pune-based Automotive Research Association of India.
As per the study, one diesel car is equal to adding 7.5 petrol cars to the car fleet in terms of PM emissions and three petrol cars in terms of NOx emissions.
A ERG está lá por uma razão... se está suja limpa-se!
Vejam isto assim desta forma simplista, pode ser que funcione:
Ao entrar numa garagem fechado ou num shopping, quando sairem do carro vão respirar o "lixo" que não ficou na ERG!
Se cada um de nós contribuir um pouco, neste caso não fazendo nada! em conjunto fazemos uma grande diferença.
Entendo que isto terá um impacto em 0% das pessoas que lerem isto, e o mais certo depois é ir fazer uma "repro" sem a ERG... mas alguém terá de o dizer e não tenho o minimo problema em ser eu em fazê-lo.
Uma opinião com consciência social neste forúm é logo alcunhado de "ambientalista" com conotação negativa.
Ridiculo e primário!