Tdi tuning!!!!

TDI Tuning with VAG-COM
I have found a way thanks to my colleagues, as a TDI something to give more power without an additional chip or box. It is in the engine control unit with the help of the VAG Tester VAS 5051 engine data. This is only a car dealer in your confidence. I would like to draw clues which may guarantee expire. Ask again after just beforehand. Although there are not a lot of PS resulting But it's still felt in torque.
1st So, enough gequatscht the instructions to: 1 Error code auslesen
2nd If errors in the system previously fix.
3rd If a tuning Box is installed, you first must be because otherwise incorrect data from it. You can later after having been reinstalled. The tuning here could also directly from the factory. VW has value in the middle, and here he is only slightly upward. There are no obstacles, except that he bit more Rußen do. According to VW-service technicians, there is no danger. For me, no damage occurred and einbußen have not arrived.
4th Now the scheme for the tuning: TDI tuning for all except TDI pump nozzle It is very important that the old values previously stored for any return of the process. 01 Motor login 12233 channel 01 32784 Max values (there are so Schieber high, and you can slide down!) Channel 02 33638 Max values
Now it is ready. Your TDI has something more to performance. The effect: A little more torque and better acceleration. When TDI automatic with additional permanent Box equal torque and the associated performance. For which I have already done it, the enthusiasm is high.

Tenho um amigo que foi mecanico na Audi e ele disse-me que numa formação de VAG COM o "engenhêro" comentou off the record que dava para incrementar a potencia dos carros por essa via, era preciso era saber onde mexer e quais os codigos e parametros a é verdade ou não nã sei.

Era isso mesmo que eu estava a referir, achava muito estranho darem formaçao de algo que nao e audi/Vw
A ultima vez foi mais o contrario... ainda me andaram a fazer perguntar lol

Isso de tirar mais power ja se faz a mto.. n esperem é conseguir mais de 5cv cm isso bem afinado.
