Olha, primeiro acho insultuoso dizeres aqui que sou este e aquele.
Depois não me conheces a mim, nem aos outros pessoalmente, nem
o nosso trabalho.de certeza que seja eu, o mestre rafael ou outro
qualquer, estamos cá para responder e arcar consequencias.
Falas sem provas, mandas calunhas contra os outros.
Chamas-me ignorante, quando TU és o ignorante que nao responde
ao que perguntamos.
I know your work very well
- work in MUNDOLED
- sell Fake PHILIPS HID as Original
- selling HID in Audipt.com
- giving wrong advice for Audi A3
Falo Sem provas ???
- I showed why your Philips HID is fake (see the pics in the post)
- TC manufactured your bulbs not Philips (see the links to TAICHANG Co in China)
- PHILIPS don´t allow any bulb to be sold as PHILIPS Patent anymore, your bulbs are Fake Philips Patent bulbs.
(I´m going to attach the email from Taichang Co)
EMAIL From EMMA 1/14/11 Haining Taichang Auto Lighting Co.,LTD (China)
"Dear Daniel,
We will not provide Philips patent license bulb any more. As the agreement between our factory and Philips is expired.
Now we can provide our own bulb.
Single beam: USD xx/PCS
H/L beam: USD xx/PCS
12V 35W
For any further mentions, pls advise us.
thanks and best regards."
No more PHILIPS Patent bulbs since January 2011.
Anyone can contact Emma & ask her about it.
Voce quere mais provas?
Who is the ignorant??
You better stop talking to me, before I show all the tricks & lies of your "work".
I´m not interested in you or your products, so please, don´t make me talk about it.
Depois os balastros philips originais (tambem ha belas historias sobre isso) são iguais segundo dizes aos da welldone. Mas dizes que os balastros philips tambem queimam os A3. Mas então se os welldone sao iguais, o que acontece? Porquê? Qual a tecnologia que evita isso segundo o fabricante da welldone? Explicaçoes é tudo o que queremos espertalhao.
I answered to this already.
Welldone has many different HID kits.
There are many cars in the market and each car is different.
Selling 1 single HID for all the cars in the market is just not professional at all.
Outra coisa mais, se me voltas a calunhar a mim ou outro user, peço a administração para tomar uma atitude.
caluniar = Ofender com calúnias, difamar por meio de
acusações conscientemente falsas.
It has to be a False accusation to be called "caluniar".
Not single one of my words is false:
- Your Philips HID are FAKE
- You sell HID in the forum
Anyway, I will love not having to talk about you since I have better things to talk about it like the Audi A3 wiper motor problem.
If you & your friends (pratinhol & Rafael) stop attacking me maybe I can focus on the real problem.
(as I said the problem is not about REAL or FAKE PHILIPS, both of them break the wiper motor).
Ele está nos US (diz ele) mas achas que o gajo te vai pagar algo?
Medindo carateres da pessoa, vendo o que diz, achas de confiança? Lol.
Who cares where I live.
I´m a honest person & don´t lie to my clients. My word has way more value than yours.
All the information I gave in the forum is 100% True. You can not say something like that.