Montar discos maiores

Já vi uma vez um A3 1.9tdi com uns travões com discos perfurados que ao travar
dava para ouvir esse chiar.

Isso é um pouco incómodo, entendo que seja normal, que setup se poderia
utilizar para evitar o tal chiar ?

Uns discos ranhurados ?
luis.filipe disse:
Uns discos ranhurados ?

Os meus discos são ranhurados e perfurados...Mas o pmgoliv tem razão, fazem mais a frio do q a quente e além disso parece-me q as pastilhas só acamaram agora, ou ainda estão a acamar... :twisted: O chiar já não é tão frequente...
Eu devo ser abençoado :green: :green: :green: :green:

Sempre usei discos ou ranhurados ou perfurados e nunca chiaram :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
G88 + ds2500
Brembo Max + EBC Green Stuff
Zimmerman + Textar (actualmente)

Alguns dos conjuntos não funcionaram a 100%, mas nunca tive problemas com chiadeira nenhuma :S :S :S :S
Aqui esta a explicação da EBC:

A - SHIM NEEDED - 60% of brake noise problems are solved by the addition of a rubber/steel/rubber shim on the reverse of the pad known as a noise reduction shim. Since 2006 all EBC Greenstuff, Redstuff and Yellowstuff pads have been manufactured with shims.

However, if your pad set does not have such shims ask for a set of these free of charge from EBC support, fit them and reinstall pads.
B - CHAMFER - Chamfering or bevelling the edges of the friction material is now done by EBC in all production. Chamfers can eliminate noise in approximately 10% of cases. Sometimes a larger than standard chamfer may be necessary due to driving styles or conditions but seek advice from EBC technical support before attempting this modification at home.
C - DRIVING STYLE - Regular city driving with frequent and light brake applications can cause pads to glaze. If noise gradually develops in such driving conditions use the brakes 2-3 times from higher speeds to load brakes more positively on a quiet road when it is safe to do so. This has the effect of deglazing the pad surface.
D - BED-IN - Most noise problems come in the first few miles of use and pads must be given a chance to bed-in. Bed-in times are extended if rotor is not turned or surface is off-flat. Even the slightest hollow in the surface of the rotor can extend bed-in time up to 500 miles. Ask customers to run vehicle for at least 500 miles.
E - SPORT ROTORS - have been shown to run quieter in many cases than plain rotors especially the EBC sport rotor which has scraper slots and helps to deglaze the pad surface and break down harmonics.
F - DRAG - In approximately 5% of cases when new pads are installed the hydraulic pistons in the caliper are pushed back and then seize when driving the vehicle after pad fitment causing drag. This can cause noise but often also shows uneven wear on the left and right hand sides of the vehicle, or on one single pad.
G - ROTOR QUALITY - With many cheap import brake rotors now on the market a quality pad with good brake effect can actually damage the rotor by picking up small disc material particles which then act like a small machining tool on the remaining rotor surface. This is detected by looking at the pad surface and seeing silver particles within the pad which have been picked up from the brake disc. Solution is to either use EBC pads with Brake-InTM coating or to scuff the brake rotor with a scratch pad and remove the silver particles from within the pad surface then reinstall and try again.
C - DRIVING STYLE - Regular city driving with frequent and light brake applications can cause pads to glaze. If noise gradually develops in such driving conditions use the brakes 2-3 times from higher speeds to load brakes more positively on a quiet road when it is safe to do so. This has the effect of deglazing the pad surface.

Pois, precisam de calor às vezes para não vidrarem :green: E tb estão a acabar de acamar...
M.A3.D disse:
C - DRIVING STYLE - Regular city driving with frequent and light brake applications can cause pads to glaze. If noise gradually develops in such driving conditions use the brakes 2-3 times from higher speeds to load brakes more positively on a quiet road when it is safe to do so. This has the effect of deglazing the pad surface.

Pois, precisam de calor às vezes para não vidrarem :green: E tb estão a acabar de acamar...

M.A3.D disse:
C - DRIVING STYLE - Regular city driving with frequent and light brake applications can cause pads to glaze. If noise gradually develops in such driving conditions use the brakes 2-3 times from higher speeds to load brakes more positively on a quiet road when it is safe to do so. This has the effect of deglazing the pad surface.

Pois, precisam de calor às vezes para não vidrarem :green: E tb estão a acabar de acamar...

Foi o que eu disse atrás. É normal.

Esfrega nisso! :green:
Chegaram-me ontem os suportes para as pinças para os discos de 312mm :)

Agora com calma vou pensar no resto do material, já descobri no ebay os discos Zimmerman
e as pastilhas EBC Green Stuff.

Estou a ponderar o próximo passo, com calma :D
luis.filipe disse:
Chegaram-me ontem os suportes para as pinças para os discos de 312mm :)

Agora com calma vou pensar no resto do material, já descobri no ebay os discos Zimmerman
e as pastilhas EBC Green Stuff.

Estou a ponderar o próximo passo, com calma :D

Boa! Mais um do fórum com esta belíssima MOD! :twisted:
luis.filipe disse:
já descobri no ebay os discos Zimmerman

se vais optar por esses discos, manda uma pm ao user Gim, ele tem o link de um fornecedor do ebay que tem preços em conta.

Assim sempre podes comparar com o que tens visto pelo ebay.