Admin Password="Escrevias aqui a pass" // Chat "/admin <password>" to become admin. Exit or chat "/admin" to become non-admin. Only one admin allowed.
Admin Functionality="3" // 0 = non-admin's can NEVER call or vote, 1 = non-admin's can't call or vote if admin is present, 2 = non-admin's can call and vote, but admin's vote wins, 3 = if non-admin calls, all voting is normal, but any admin calls win instantly
Allow Any Event="2" // 0 = don't allow users to vote for specific tracks, 1 = allow users to vote for any track in server list, 2 = allow users to vote for any track, note that admins can do anything
Practice 1 Time="240" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for practice 1 (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Qualifying Time="30" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for qualifying (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Qualifying Laps="5" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of laps allowed in qualifying
Warmup Time="20" // 0 = use default from GDB, otherwise this is # of minutes for warmup (1-10 by 1, 15-90 by 5, 105-165 by 15)
Allow Hotlap Completion="16" // Allow hotlap completion before switching sessions (1=practice1 ... 16=qual, 32=warmup, 63=