Eu invento um serviço.... patenteio....
Crio uma marca e comercializo...
O individuo X, cria outra marca e utiliza o meu know-how, desde que pague os direitos para usar aquilo que eu inventei!
Agora dizer que o meu produto é igual ao do individuo X, não é... Usam ideias iguais, mas não são iguais...
Aqui passa-se o mesmo penso eu.... um produto da Philips e um produto que utiliza a mesma tecnologia da Philips, mas que não é Philips!
I have to disagree with you Cutkiller.
I´m sorry to be honest but after 6 or 7 years working with HID I do know about all this things.
TC (Taichang Company) in China had an agreement with PHILIPS long time ago.
PHILIPS agreed to put his name on TC bulbs for a few months for a benefit.
After the contract was over PHILIPS didn´t allowed TC to sell more chinese TC bulbs with PHILIPS name.
There was no Philips Techonology, it was only the name & since the agreement was over not even the name.
Nowadays if you contact TC (Taichang) to buy PHILIPS Patent bulbs you will get a NO for response. They are not allowed to sell a single PHILIPS bulb (not even as a replacement in guarantee).
The agrement was over about 1 year ago.
All the PHILIPS Patent bulbs nowadays are FAKE ! 100% FAKE. Just chinese bulb with Philips name and not manufactured by TC (NOT Taiching).
But if we talk about the ballast....
This is the biggest rip off of all times.
PHILIPS Has never put his name on any ballast that´s not PHILIPS.
This FAKE Philips Patent Ballast have no name on it, no Philips label, no nothing. ITS A FRAUD!
The only PHILIPS Ballast for Hx bulbs are the ones I showed in the 1st page of this post.
Madlima is cheating on people by selling this fake PHILIPS Kits. But he is not the only one, in Portugal there are hundreds of sellers with this fake products advertising them as REAL when they are A FRAUD, A JOKE...
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give me one xenon welldone (i can say the word cause i'm a respected member from audipt :lol::lol::lol::lol

and i promise that i speak of it here in the forum.. :lol:
Many people has been baned & censored just for asking. Not even to confirm anything...
Why there are different categories of ussers? respected ones & not respected ones ?