ó dan_nyc, ó welldone, welldone1, welldone2, censura, censura1 e mais o monte de nicks que já tiveste...
Basta entenderes de uma vez por todas que o problema aqui não é o Welldone, o problema é a maneira como entraste no fórum a publicitar/"vender o teu peixe"....
Toda a gente sabe que o xenon pseudo-Philips que se vende para aí é "pirata", tal como os cabos Vag-Com etc...
Agora chegar a um fórum e espalhar com 30 nicks 500 posts e PMs só para vender os kits welldone, não obrigado!
Se queres continuar cá no fórum, mantém-te na tua, dá a ajuda necessária, segue as regras e deixa de te armar em carapau de corrida.
Fica a pergunta:
1. Só os kits Welldone é que não dão erro nos motores das escovas?? Então porque é que existem outros kits montados em que não existem problemas? (Sejam pirataria ou não, o problema é de quem compra...)
Hey WebMaster,
Let me tell you that you have some reason on that.
First I tried to do it in a good way.
But please take in consideration that my portuguese is not good.
I can read the forum and understand 80% of the information, but writing in portugues is something totally different.
There are 3 things that annoys people in this forum:
1- When you know more than them about something
2- When your are to straight giving the information (also because of my portuguese)
3- When your portugues is not good. (many people makes fun, say i´m not trustful, mérda do OH Espanhol, Este espanol é melga,)
Usually is Madlima the ones that transform any post where I write something:
"Lá vem o espanhol ao ataque"
"Este espanol é melga"
"Olha lá, não fazes pub a welldone?" (he is advertising MUNDOLED) :S
"chegam aqui da para quedas e andam a queimar negocios e a difamar o nome enfim"
"tu nem português sabes escrever, não sabes ler"
"sabendo quem tu és, ainda menos importancia te damos"
"Nesta familia, não ha espaço para ratos como tu"
Many more, but they were deleted...
I have to admit that after I was banned, all my info deleted, attacked & insulted... Let´s say that im impatiente.
I hate do the same thing twice. And in this forum & had to do it not twice but 10 times.
Most of the information is gone nowadays... that´s why I decided to keep save all the information I can in the Blog, I can just copy & paste and the information will be always there.
I don´t depend on some guys who want me far away from here... & will try to ban me or delete my content.
I knew there was plenty of people willing to solve his problem with the wiper motor.
They were asking for a solution but all my solutions were censored.
So after I was baned & censored many times for giving only information (not prices, not links to any store), I tried sending PM to the users asking about the wiper problem.
I tried really hard for someone to hear hat I have to say but no one seem interested about the wiper motor issue.
I had posted links to the Portugues BLOG I have.
Since here the posts are deleted so ramdom and I takes me hours of translating, finding good pics, etc I rather to do the translation in the BLOG & once it´s decent post the link in the forum.
usually, in the forum people don´t let me explain anything. They shot first & later on they ask... (I mean ban, deleted post, attacking, insulting...)
But I repeat, I posted a link to a Blog or to a Forum like VWVortex.com. NEVER to a Online Store.
- the vwvortex.com info was deleted. (in VWVortex they didn´t belive, then they listened, later they tried & finally they recomended & even some people wants a Group Buy)
- This post created for some user asking about the "W" HID was deleted also.
Fica a pergunta:
1. Só os kits Welldone é que não dão erro nos motores das escovas?? Então porque é que existem outros kits montados em que não existem problemas? (Sejam pirataria ou não, o problema é de quem compra...)
Not all the Audi A3 on the market have the wiper motor problem.
Only about 80% of them.
I installed many regular HIDs in Audi A3. Since 2003 to 2008.
Many Wiper motors broke, others never had any issue.
But there was until September 2008 that we didn´t have a 100% safe HID for Audi A3.
Actually we stoped selling HID to A3 customers because the 80% broken wiper rate was to hight.
Many other sellers didn´t care & still selling regular HID & saying their HID is 100% safe when is not.
As a Audi Sport Iberica "Parceria" we can´t afford get people angry with our company.
If you visit Audi Sport Iberica & check for wiper motor problems you will see all the messages recommending the "W" HiD to be 100% safe